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Filling Out the First Screen

Screenshot of CRIPT Excel Uploader GUI first screen


Host indicates the CRIPT instance that you want to upload your data to whether that is CRIPT or a private instance

For most users host will be


However, if any user wants to connect to their own private instance of cript, they can easily do that by changing the host to whatever URL they are using

Private Instance Example:


API Token

The token is needed because we need to authenticate the user before saving any of their data

Screenshot of CRIPT login screen Screenshot of CRIPT security page where API token is found

Security Settings under the profile icon dropdown

To get your token:

  1. please visit your Security Settings under the profile icon dropdown on the top right
  2. Click on the copy button next to the API Token to copy it to clipboard
  3. Now you can paste it into the API Token field

Note: The "Token" in front of the random characters is part of the token as well


API Token: Token 4abc478b25e30766652f76103b978349c4c4b214

Project Name

Project is needed for the software to know which project these experiments are for, and each Collection belongs to a Project

A Project can be thought of as a bunch of folders each containing experiments that contribute to a single project

Screenshot of project screen within CRIPT projects tab within CRIPT

To get project name, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the projects tab within CRIPT
  2. Find the project you want to upload your data under
  3. Copy the name and paste it into Project Name field


Project Name: CRIPT Examples

Collection Name

A Collection can be thought of as a binder filled with experiments

The entire Excel file will become a collection within the CRIPT Platform

Screenshot of project screen within CRIPT

Collections tab within CRIPT

To get your collection name, follow these steps:

  1. Please visit the collections tab within CRIPT
  2. Find the collection you want to use
  3. copy the name of that collection and paste it into the Collection Name field


Collection Name: Tutorial

Excel File

Screenshot of CRIPT Excel Uploader button that when clicked the user can pick the Excel file they want to upload

Please click the purple Excel File button and select the Excel file you wish to upload to CRIPT