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Customizing the Excel Sheets

screenshot of the Excel sheets to show required and optional sheets

  • Required sheets are colored Orange

  • Optional sheets are colored Grey

Any optional column not needed can be left blank or deleted

Sheets CANNOT be renamed, but sheets CAN be removed

The general structure for all sheets

Column Name
Your Values


material sheet

This sheet is for both materials used at the beginning of the experiment (ingredients), and the material that occurs as a result of the experiment (process product)

Define all materials that will be referenced throughout the document.

You can have as many material identifier and material property columns as you needed

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*name attribute yes unique name
pick from Name column of material identifiers identifier no your values
pick from Name column of material properties property no your values
use_existing property no TRUE, FALSE, or blank
notes attribute no regular text

options for each row are clickable links in the chart below:

each material you are using must have a unique name, no duplicates

You can have as many Identifiers, property, property:condition, property:method, property:type as you need

attribute identifier identifier property property:condition property:method property:type property attribute
Material Identifiers
Material Identifiers
Material Property
Material Property: Condition
Material Property: Method
Material Property: Citation Type
(if needed)
your unique material name Your values Your values Your values Your values Your method for calculating the property Citation for property You can put either: TRUE, FALSE, or you can leave blank for False Your notes

use_existing column field is best for when you already have a material within your project and you just want to name it and use it within your Excel file instead of creating a new material on every upload

mixture component sheet (optional)

This sheet Defines the components of mixture materials.

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*mixture relation yes value from *name column of material sheet
*material relation yes value from *name column of material sheet

relation relation
value comes from *name column of mixture sheet value from *name column of materials sheet

experiment sheet

This sheet defines the experiment

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*name attribute yes unique name
funding attribute no list of your funders (e.g, funder1; funder2; funder3)
notes attribute no regular text

If there are multiple sources for funding please list them and separate each one with a ";" (e.g, Grants; NSF; IRIS)

attribute attribute attribute
unique experiment name funder 1; funder 2; funder 3; funder 4; These are my notes

process sheet

Define the processes of each experiment.

You can have as many process property and conditions columns as you need

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*experiment relation yes value from *namecolumn ofexperiment sheet
*name attribute yes unique name
*type attribute yes pick from Name column of Process Type
keywords attribute no list from Name column of Process keywords (e.g, anionic; annealing_sol; annealing_thermo)
description attribute no regular text
equipment attribute no list of equipments (e.g, equipment1; equipment2; equipment3)
pick from Name column of process property property no record your values
pick from Name column of conditions condition no record your values
notes attribute no regular text

relation attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute property property:method property:condition condition condition attribute
process property
property: method
property: condition
value from *name column of experiment sheet your unique process name Process Type Process keywords your description equipment used your values your method for calculating this property condition for the process property 100.0 55.26 your notes


relation attribute attribute attribute attribute condition condition
value from *name column of experiment sheet pick a unique process name affinity_pure anionic; annealing_sol; annealing_thermo description of my process 100.0 55.26

process equipment sheet (optional)

Define the equipment used in a process.

You can have as many Condition columns as you need

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*process relation yes value from *name column of process sheet
*key attribute yes pick from Name column of equipments
description attribute no regular text
pick from Name column of Conditions condition no record your values
citation relation no value from *name column of citation sheet

relation attribute attribute condition relation
value from *name column of process sheet select equipment your description of the equipment your description of the condition value from *name column of citation sheet

prerequisite process sheet (optional)

Define the immediate prerequisites for each process.

e.g., Assuming A -> B -> C, the immediate prerequisite of C is B (not A).

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*process relation yes value from *name column of process sheet
*prerequisite relation yes value from *name column of process sheet

relation relation
value from *name of process sheet value from *name of process sheet
immediate prerequisite step

process ingredient sheet

Define the ingredients for each process and their respective quantities.

you can have as many quantity columns as needed for your different materials

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*process relation yes value from *name column of process sheet
*material relation yes value from *name column of material sheet
*keyword attribute yes pick from Name column of ingredients
pick from Name column of quantity quantity yes record your quantity here

relation relation attribute quantity quantity quantity
value comes from *name column of the process sheet value comes from *name column of the materials sheet ingredient keywords 5 0.455 10

process product sheet

This sheet describes the resulting product after completing a process

Define the material products of each process.

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*process relation yes value from *namecolumn ofprocesssheet
*material relation yes value from*namecolumn ofmaterial sheet

relation relation
value comes from *name column of the process sheet value comes from *name column of the materials sheet

data sheet

This sheet defines the data files you want to upload to CRIPT, such as a csv file from a robot, an image, or any other type of file

Define the data sets you will be associating with properties, etc.

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*experiment relation yes value from *namecolumn ofexperimentsheet
*name attribute yes unique name
*type attribute yes pick from *name column of data type
*source attribute yes can either be a path to a local file on your computer or a url to a website
sample_preparation relation no pick from *name column of process sheet

relation attribute attribute attribute relation
value from *name column of experiment sheet Pick a unique name My type Can be either local:

Or on the web:
pick a process from *name column of process sheet

citation sheet

This sheet can be used to reference any sources used in the experiments that you want to cite in CRIPT

Row 1: can only be an attribute
Row 2: MUST have a title column, but ALL other columns are optional
Row 3: This row is left blank

Define references to be associated with properties, etc. as citations.

Row 2 Row 1 Required Row 5 - ∞ expected value
*title attribute yes unique title
doi attribute no text
authors attribute no text
journal attribute no text
publisher attribute no text
year attribute no number
volume attribute no text
issue attribute no text
pages attribute no text
issn attribute no text
arxiv_id attribute no text
pmid attribute no text
website attribute no text
notes attribute no text

attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute attribute
Each title must be unique your doi here Author Here Journal name publisher name year published volume number issue pages issn arxiv_id pmid These are my notes