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Excel Rows

Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4

Screenshot of Material sheet rows and columns

The Row 1 - 4 within each Excel sheet are treated differently than Rows 5 - ∞.

The CRIPT Excel Uploader reads row 1 - 3, and will skip row 4 as row 4 is human instructions and the program does not need them. User input can only start from row 5

Please refer to Individual Excel Sheets for a complete breakdown of each sheet

Row 1: Category

Row 1 can be thought of as describing the abstract category of Row 2

List of all possible options for Row 1

  • attribute
    • Column with simple key-value pairs
    • A singular characteristic that a node/object has and it better describes the object
  • condition
    • The condition under which the property was found
    • Some examples include temperature, mixing_rate, stirring, time_duration
    • Please visit condition controlled vocabulary for a full list of conditions
  • identifier
    • Column with key-value pairs for material identifiers
    • An example of an identifier can be smiles, bigSmiles, cas, etc.
    • Please visit material identifier controlled vocabulary for a full list of material identifiers
  • property
    • Column with key, value, and unit combinations for properties
  • relation
    • Column that shows a relationship between a row from one sheet to the row of another sheet
    • relation is further explained in relation section
  • quantity
    • Column with key, value and unit combinations for quantities
    • Column that describes the amount combined with a unit

Example of quantity in process ingredients sheet

attribute quantity
*name volume
water 5

relation field in row 1 explained

The row 1 field relation is essentially a way for a row from one sheet to reference another row in a different sheet.

In computer science terms, we could think of it as a foreign key type of relationship from the relation row of one sheet to the *name row of another sheet, the name field works well as an identifier because we are requiring names to be unique within a given sheet.

video explanation of relation column in an animated format

Row 2: Column Name

This can be seen as the label for each column

The breakdown can be found in Individual Excel Sheets

Screenshot of an Excel column that shows the required column that begins with a *

  • Columns beginning with * are required (eg. *name)
  • Columns beginning with # will be ignored (eg. #storage)
    • # columns are a good idea to use if you want to have some notes, but don't want it necessarily read or uploaded to CRIPT
  • Some sheets have dropdowns for row 2. After selecting an option, row 1, row 3, and row 4 are automatically populated with the correct information
    As we continue to update the controlled vocabulary, it is very possible that the dropdown options and autofill can become outdated.
  • Each Excel sheet has row 1, 3, 4 locked and the sheets are protected.
    • This is because rows 1, 3, 4 contain formulas that if accidentally deleted or overwritten would break the autofill feature
    • The sheets are protected without a password and can be easily unprotected

Nesting Headers for each column in row 2

Screenshot from Excel sheet column that shows multiple field headers

  • We can have more than one field present on a column header if needed
    • We can indicate that we are recording the density at a certain temperature by using a colon ":" and notating it like this: "density:temperature"
    • Examples
      • Define a material property method: density:method
      • Associate data with a process condition temperature:data
      • Associate a citation with a material property: density:citation
      • Define material property condition: density:temperature
      • Define the uncertainty of a material property condition: density:temperature:uncertainty

        <field>:data column values should derive from the *name column of the Data sheet.
        <field>:citation column values should derive from the *name column of the Citation sheet.

Id - (optional)

Id is used to allow for multiple measurements throughout time. With Id it is possible to take several measurements through an experiment, and later use nesting to record more details.

If there are multiple densities throughout time, and we want to show each of their temperatures (or any other condition) we can use an Id field to differentiate between the different temperatures. We denote an Id with brackets and a number inside such as [1] or [2]. The Id is used to identify distinct properties/conditions of the same type

  • e.g., To identify two density measurements at two different temperatures, we could create the following column headers: [1]density, [1]density:temperature , [2]density, [2]density:temperature

property property:condition property property:condition
[1]density [1]density:temperature [2]density [2]density:temperature
g/ml degC g/ml degC
0.87 20 1 30

Row 3: Units

  • Row 3: Defines the units for that column

    • celsius, g/ml
    • All the supported units are documented within the Pint python package

Row 4: Instructions

Many columns contain instructions on row 4 that tries to clarify the data that should go in that column after the value for row 2 is picked

Row 5 - ∞ : User Input

Inputting list instead of a single value

Some columns allow for more than a single value. List values must use a semicolon ; as a separator


column name
funder 1; funder 2; funder 3; funder 4