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  • Searches by name if the node doesn't exist it creates it otherwise updates it
  • Idempotent operation
from cript import *

process1 = Process(name="process1", type="mix")
exp1 = Experiment(name="exp1", process=[process1])
col1=Collection(name="col1", experiment=[exp1])

proj = Project(
    name="Change Project Name",



attribute type example description required vocab
name str name True
type str mix type of process True Name
ingredient list[Ingredient] ingredients
description str To oven-dried 20 mL glass vial, 5 mL of styrene and 10 ml of toluene was added. explanation of the process
equipment list[Equipment] equipment used in the process
product list[[Material(../material)]] desired material produced from the process
waste list[Material] material sent to waste
prerequisite_ processes list[Process] processes that must be completed prior to the start of this process
condition list[Condition] global process condition
property list[Property] process properties
keyword list[str] words that classify the process Name
citation list[Citation] reference to a book, paper, or scholarly work
notes str miscellaneous information, or custom data structure


Generic Deletion