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Computational forcefield


  • Searches by name if the node doesn't exist it creates it otherwise updates it
  • Idempotent operation
from cript import *

comp_forcefield= ComputationalForcefield(key="mmff", building_block="atom")
mat1=Material(name="col1", computational_forcefield=comp_forcefield)

proj = Project(
    name="Change Project Name",



attribute type example description required vocab
key str CHARMM27 type of forcefield True Name
building_block str atom type of building block True Name
coarse_grained_mapping str SC3 beads in MARTINI forcefield atom to beads mapping
implicit_solvent str water Name of implicit solvent
source str package in GROMACS source of forcefield
description str OPLS forcefield with partial charges calculated via the LBCC algorithm description of the forcefield and any modifications that have been added
data Data details of mapping schema and forcefield parameters
citation list[Citation] reference to a book, paper, or scholarly work


Generic Deletion